“Alan and Don have cut through theory and conjecture to communicate a real-world guide for executives to address the challenges of changing a culture head on. This is a must read for leaders who find themselves handicapped by unproductive culture.”

— Sam Reese, Chief Executive Officer, Vistage International


We believe the key to a healthy culture is leadership. One of the biggest threats to the continuation of a healthy culture is leadership succession. A healthy culture requires a commitment to its constant support and maintenance. If new leadership does not have the same commitment to culture, a healthy culture can deteriorate. It is for this reason that we dedicate our website to the principles and practices of leadership and culture. Specifically, we are a resource for leaders to learn how to best create and maintain a healthy organizational culture.

Creating and maintaining a healthy culture requires intentionality. Knowing how to build and maintain a healthy culture is not easy. Our purpose is to share the knowledge and experience of leaders who have succeeded in creating healthy cultures. We believe these leaders have important lessons to offer, and we would like to showcase their lessons and successes here.

This website has two experienced principals, Alan G. Weinstein and Donald L Rust. Between them, they have researched healthy cultures and implemented large-scale culture change that led to unprecedented success. As authors, Rust and Weinstein dug deeply into what constitutes a healthy culture and in doing so found a strong link between healthy cultures and business success.

Not every leader is willing or capable of building or maintaining a healthy culture. For those who are, they will find here best practices of leaders who successfully implemented healthy cultures within their organization. We will also explore obstacles that need to be overcome if a healthy culture is to succeed and be maintained.